Cowboy Blend

Specially formulated for quick removal of lead and powder fouling
Some firearms never shoot anything except lead bullets and they deserve a solvent designed to handle their specific cleaning needs. Cowboy Blend is blended to make removing lead and carbon fouling simple, fast and efficient. So, whether you are cleaning a favorite single-action revolver, a shotgun or an heirloom .22 rimfire, Cowboy Blend is the solution to your cleaning problems.
Available in 20 oz. and 6 oz. bottles
- Soak a suitable sized Montana X-Treme patch in Cowboy Blend.
- Push the patch through the bore. Repeat with a new patch.
- Soak a nylon brush in Cowboy Blend and work the brush through the bore 20 times.
- Repeat step 1 with two patches of Cowboy Blend. If fouling is still present, repeat step 3.
- When satisfied the bore is clean, run two dry patches through the bore.
- To further protect the bore, add a small amount of Montana X-Treme Bore Conditioner to a patch and run through the bore several times. Ensure that you do not leave a heavy amount of oil in the barrel.
Available in 20 oz. and 6 oz. bottles